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Writer's pictureLiz Ventura

Recent Malaria Cases in Florida and Texas: A Call for Awareness and Understanding

Malaria, a preventable and curable disease, continues to pose significant global health threats. While it's largely contained within specific regions, recent cases in Florida and Texas highlight the persistent risk and importance of awareness. This blog post highlights important facts about the disease, aiming to provide a more in-depth understanding of these recent incidents and malaria in general.

The Magnitude of Malaria:

According to the World Health Organization, there were an estimated 247 million cases of malaria worldwide in 2021, leading to approximately 619,000 deaths, mostly among children in Africa . This gives an idea of the scale at which malaria still wreaks havoc, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa, which carries a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. Despite significant strides to contain this disease, malaria's reach continues to affect individuals worldwide, including surprising recent cases in Florida and Texas.

Recent Cases in Florida and Texas:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently confirmed several cases of locally acquired mosquito-borne malaria in Florida and Texas . These cases signify the first locally transmitted cases in decades, underscoring the importance of continuous prevention efforts and surveillance, even in regions considered non-endemic for malaria.

Origins and Transmission of Malaria:

Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite, which is transmitted through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. There are five parasite species that cause malaria in humans, and two of these species – P. falciparum and P. vivax – pose the greatest threat . The parasite's complex life cycle contributes to the difficulties in developing an effective and long-lasting vaccine, though advancements in recent years have been promising.

Symptoms and Diagnosis:

Early symptoms of malaria can be mild and difficult to recognize. However, if not treated within 24 hours, P. falciparum malaria can progress to severe illness and even result in death. Symptoms can include chills, sweating, and fever . Diagnostic tests are crucial to confirm a malaria infection.

Prevention and Control:

Preventive measures, such as insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS), are pivotal in malaria control. The CDC recommends the use of DEET insect repellent, wearing loose-fitted long-sleeved clothing, and the use of screens on windows and doors. These interventions, along with prompt and effective treatment, can drastically reduce disease incidence and death rates.


Antimalarial medications are used to treat malaria. The type of drugs and length of treatment depend on several factors, including the malaria type, where the person was infected, their age, whether they are pregnant, and how severely ill they were at the onset of treatment.

Progress and Challenges:

Despite significant global advancements in controlling malaria, recent local transmission cases in Florida and Texas remind us that the fight is far from over. Persistent challenges to eradicating malaria globally include access to preventive measures and treatments, socio-political disruptions, and emerging threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


These recent cases serve as a stark reminder of the enduring threat of malaria. Raising awareness about this disease and advocating for proper preventive measures is a collective responsibility. We aim to increase understanding and awareness of malaria, contributing to the broader efforts to eradicate this persistent health threat.

About the Author

This blog post was written by Volcano Consulting, LLC Deputy Public Health Consultant, Liz Ventura. Liz is earning a Master of Public Health from the University of South Florida.

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