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Pride Week Give-a-Way!

We are giving away $100 cash at Pride on 10/13/2018

All you have to do is take a quick survey!

What is the

survey for?

In partnership with the Orange County Board of County Commissioners and the Orlando EMA HIV Services Planning Council, Volcano Consulting, LLC is conducting the survey to understand what educational, prevention-related, and HIV service deficits exist in Central FL.

Why does my opinion matter?

By talking to you we can better understand gaps in education, prevention, and medical care and your input can help identify barriers to getting and/or staying in HIV related medical care. Sharing your experiences and opinions will directly impact HIV care decisions made in Central Florida. Your experience matters to us and to anyone who may benefit from improvements in HIV prevention and care.

What else should I know?

Look for us on 10/13/2018 at the parade and festival. We'll be wearing t-shirts with "VC Pride" printed on them and we'll be carrying backpacks full of free condoms! Yes, we are giving free hugs too!


BUT, you don't have to look too hard for us because you can take the survey by texting VCPRIDE to 66866 or clicking on one of the links below. If you need to take the survey in a language other than English, we can arrange that.  Just give us a call at 407.603.1584.


After completing the survey, look out for the email with your winning number!


All of your information will be confidential and will be reported anonymously. If you would like to get into HIV related medical care or need educational services, we will also assist you in that process. You can take the survey and get help no matter what your immigration status is.



To be eligible to take the survey, you'll need to meet the following criteria:


  • Be at least 18 years old;

  • Live in Orange, Osceola, Brevard, Lake, or Seminole counties;


Contest Rules

How the $100 cash prize will be given away

  1. The selected entry code will only be announced on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram social media pages at 4:10 pm on 10/13/2018. You must check there to see if you are a winner.

  2. Photos of the location to claim your prize will also be posted.

  3. You will be asked to show the email with your entry number in person to claim the prize.

  4. You will have one (1) hour to claim your prize.

  5. Unclaimed prizes will be given to a newly selected winner.

  6. Proof of age (must be at least 18 years old) will be required to claim your prize, along with your entry number.



This survey's data is hosted on Amazon Web services, a cloud-computing platform. All survey responses in route from or sent from your device are encrypted prior to being sent to the survey servers, are encrypted using SSL/TLS, and will have a certificate issued by Entrust, Inc. For more information about the security of the survey platform Click Here 

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